
Package de.schwarzrot.ui.validation.constraints

classes used to perform the real validation.


Interface Summary
ValidationConstraint interface to allow a Validator use anonymous and rulebased bean validation.

Class Summary
AbstractValidationConstraint<E extends Entity> base class for validation constraints.
VCAnyIsTrue<E extends Entity> this constraints checks, whether any of the given properties is true.
VCDbExists<E extends Entity>  
VCDbIsAccessible<E extends Entity> to check, whether the database could be accessed with the given properties.
VCDirIsWritable<E extends Entity> offers a constraint, that checks if certain directory is writable.
VCHostIsReachable<E extends Entity>  
VCIsTrue<E extends Entity>  
VCMandatory<E extends Entity> checks whether a beans property is not empty
VCMatchingFile<E extends Entity> checks the value of a beans property against given filename.
VCSupportedCharset<E extends Entity> validates whether the content of property to check is a supported charset in the current jvm.
VCTaskExecutedSuccessfully<E extends Entity> checks executation state and execution result of a task
VCXHostIsReachable<E extends Entity>  

Package de.schwarzrot.ui.validation.constraints Description

classes used to perform the real validation. Validation at SRFramework should be highly flexible and configurable, so I decided against usage of annotations. Instead the classes of this package may be used and this way I can support i.e. optional mandatory properties and many other things.

These classes are mainly used by wizzards and wizzard-pages.

Reinhard Mantey


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