

provides the basic classes and interfaces for anonymous persistence.


Interface Summary
ChildEntity<E extends Entity> interface for all children types, that means for entities, that model a 1:n relation and which need to keep the id of the parent instance.
Entity Entity is the interface to bring persistence to business objects.
EntityReference<A extends Entity,B extends Entity> reference handle class to handle anonymous references.
NamedChildEntity<A,B extends Entity> is an NamedEntity and a ChildEntity.
NamedEntity<E> interface for all entities, that could be identified by their name.
VdrEntity interface to mark an Entity as being attached to the VDR
WeightedEntityReference<A extends Entity,B extends Entity,T> interface for anonymous references, that need to be sorted

Class Summary
ResourceNode TreeNode implementation to build a tree from help pages.

Package Description

provides the basic classes and interfaces for anonymous persistence. This is the data-part of the anonymous Persistence layer.

Requirements for the persistence layer

Design decisions

The last requirement leaded to a baseclass for all business classes, as they are involved in user interactions (so they need to be a Model ), they may be sent across the network, so they need to be serializable and of cause, they should contain enuf information, that a workflow from one storage over transmission between different VMs into a quite different storage should work.

Entity is the interface, that all business classes should derive from and AbstractEntity is the base implementation to cutoff all the grunt work from business classes. I decided to use the model from jgoodies binding, so the jgoodies forms library could be used to ease the creation of nifty user interfaces.

Every business class must provide a public default constructor (like any bean should do). This is needed for the extended reflection.

See for the worker part of Persistence layer.

Reference resolution

Most references are solved by contract from the persistence layer:

direct relationship (1:1 in database terms)

A direct relationship is given, if one Entity has a property of (sub)type Entity.

Child - relationship (1:n in database terms)

A child relationship is true, when the child contains information about its parent and the parent knows a bunch of children. So a child can have one parent and a parent can have several children, but each of them may be related only once.
The persistence layer differs two kinds of children: Sometimes it is necessary, to group children. In this case, the parent's children property will always be a Map, with the grouping value as key. Named children will be grouped by Map<GroupClass, Map<NameClass, NamedChildrenClass>>, unnamed children will be grouped by Map<GroupClass, List<ChildClass>>. To enable the persistence layer to support grouped children, the parent's Map returned by getMappings() needs an entry like:
 myMappings.put("children", "groupingPropertyName|" + GroupedChildrenClass.class.getName());
See for basic implementations.

anonymous - relationship (n:m in database terms)

In this relationship, no entity has a direct link to the related entity. In database terms, this relation is build by an intermediate table, that holds the primary keys of the related table-entries. As quite often, this kind of relationship holds properties valid for given relation only, I decided to use intermediate objects too - EntityReference is the base class for the anonymous relationship and WeightedEntityReference the base class, for sorted relations. Implementation of both reference types must also be an Entity.

Implementation of business objects is quite the same, as with named/unnamed children. The master- Entity has a property Map<Object, EntityReference> to hold the related instances, where reference.getWeight() is the key for the Map. Unsorted references can be hold in a property List<EntityReference>.


persistence introduced the desire in statistics, so some basic properties are required for all entities. The application-developer may use them, but need not care about them. The EntityHandler will do that.

Other informational Entity-methods needed to deal with persistence:

not all storage systems support case sensitive name handling, others may have size restrictions, so this is a way to bring a different name into the play
not all storage systems support schemata. To allow different catalogs in the same storage, the schema name is used as schema name on systems that support schemas, on other systems it is used as a prefix for the persistence name.
if instances of this entity should be sorted by default, this call returns a list of properties to sort the instances by.
in case that a property needs a different name in storage systems, or types of children have to be specified
virtual properties and/or functions with 'get'-prefix that are not getters need to get hidden for generic processing.
specifies, whether a user may change and save this entity. It's up to the EntityManager to respect this call. Don't rely upon all EntityManagers doing so.
entities, where isUserType() returns false may specify properties, that a user is allowed to change and save
At saving time, it must be asured, that instances that are intended of being uniq don't get duplicated, so this method returns a list of properties, that make an instance uniq. The id-property must not be part of that list.
if one database table should contain data from different classes, this function must return true

The persistence layer supports two types of virtualization:

If several classes share the same database table, the type of a row needs to be determined from the contained data. This map is used to match a key field to a classname.


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