
Uses of Interface

Packages that use ConditionElement provides the working class for the anonymous Persistence layer classes for jdbc specific data access helper classes used by the data accessors classes used to define application transactions helper classes used to define application transactions 
de.schwarzrot.ui.service helper classes to allow the configuration of the services related to user interface creation 

Uses of ConditionElement in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ConditionElement
<E extends Entity>
Repository.find(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          find all instances of given type, that match given condition, without resolving relations.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.find(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, boolean readRelated)
          find all instances of given type, that match given condition, with optionally resolving relations.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.find(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, int maxRows)
          find all instances of given type, that match given condition, without resolving relations.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.find(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, int maxRows, boolean readRelated)
          find all instances of given type, optionally with resolving of relations.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.find(ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList<E> resultList, Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          read all entries of given entity type, that conform the given condition and add the found instances to the given list.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.find(ca.odell.glazedlists.EventList<E> resultList, Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, int maxRows, boolean readRelated)
          read all entries of given entity type, that conform the given condition and add the found instances to the given list.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.findProperties(Class<E> entityType, Collection<String> properties, List<ConditionElement> args, boolean uniq)
          partially read instances of given entityType, that match given condition.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.findProperties(Class<E> entityType, Collection<String> properties, List<ConditionElement> args, int maxRows)
          partially read instances of given entityType, that match given condition.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.findProperties(Class<E> entityType, Collection<String> properties, List<ConditionElement> args, int maxRows, boolean uniq)
          partially read instances of given entityType, that match given condition.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.getNumberOf(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          count number of persistent instances, that match given condition
<E extends Entity>
Repository.remove(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          remove all persistent instances that match given condition.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.saveProperties(E instance, Collection<String> propertyNames, List<ConditionElement> args)
          change given properties of already stored instances.
<E extends Entity>
Repository.saveProperties(E instance, String[] propertyNames, List<ConditionElement> args)

Uses of ConditionElement in

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ConditionElement
protected  int JDBCEntityManager.find(List<?> resultList, Class<?> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, EntityDescriptor ed, Connection conn, DbUtil dbUtil, boolean readRelated, Collection<SortInfo> orderSequence)
          internal call to read a number of entities.
protected  long JDBCEntityManager.instanceCount(Class<? extends Entity> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, Connection conn)
protected  int JDBCEntityManager.readProperties(List resultList, Class entityType, Collection<String> properties, List<ConditionElement> args, EntityDescriptor ed, Connection conn, DbUtil dbUtil, int maxRows, boolean readRelated, boolean uniq, Collection<SortInfo> orderSequence)
<E extends Entity>
JDBCEntityManager.remove(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, EntityDescriptor ed, Connection conn, DbUtil dbUtil)
<E extends Entity>
JDBCEntityManager.saveProperties(E instance, Collection<String> propertyNames, List<ConditionElement> args, Connection conn, DbUtil dbUtil, EntityDescriptor ed)

Uses of ConditionElement in

Classes in that implement ConditionElement
 class AbstractConditionElement
          abstract helper class for convenience of creation of ConditionElement s.
 class AbstractFunctionCondtion
          create the condition string for queries, that want to refer to a function result i.e. max. value of given attribute.
 class AlternatingSequence
          create a sequence of conditions, which only one of them must match.
 class EqualConditionElement
          a condition class for equal matches
 class InListConditionElement
          models a condition like the sql condition: in ( a, b, c ), where the assembling of the condition is performed by the DbUtil instance.
 class LowerBoundConditionElement
          class to model a lower limit for a condition
 class MaxConditionElement
          create the condition string for queries, that want the max. value of given attribute.
 class MinConditionElement
          create the condition string for queries, that want the max. value of given attribute.
 class NotEqualConditionElement
          class to model a not equal condition
 class SearchConditionElement
 class UpperBoundConditionElement
          class to model a upper limit condition

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ConditionElement
 String DbUtil.genCondition(EntityDescriptor ed, Collection<ConditionElement> args)
          generates a condition string for SQL statements
 String AbstractDbUtils.genCondition(EntityDescriptor ed, Collection<ConditionElement> args)
 String DbUtil.genRemove(EntityDescriptor ed, Collection<ConditionElement> args)
          generates a SQL delete statement
 String AbstractDbUtils.genRemove(EntityDescriptor ed, Collection<ConditionElement> args)

Constructors in with parameters of type ConditionElement
AlternatingSequence(ConditionElement[] elems)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ConditionElement
AlternatingSequence(List<ConditionElement> args)

Uses of ConditionElement in

Constructors in with parameters of type ConditionElement
TOCount(Class<E> entityType, ConditionElement arg)
          creates a counting operation for a transaction.
TORead(Class<E> entityType, ConditionElement arg)
          creates a transaction operation, that reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by a single condition element.
TORead(Class<E> entityType, ConditionElement arg, boolean readRelated)
          creates a transaction operation, that reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by a single condition element.
TORead(List<E> result, Class<E> entityType, ConditionElement arg)
TORead(List<E> result, Class<E> entityType, ConditionElement arg, int maxRows, boolean readRelated)
TORemove(Class<E> entityType, ConditionElement arg)
          creates a transaction operation, that removes all persistent instances, that match given condition.
TOSetProperty(E valueHolder, Collection<String> propertyNames, ConditionElement arg)
          creates a transaction operation, that changes the given property names of all instances matching the given condition to the appropriate values from valueHolder.
TOSetProperty(E valueHolder, String[] propertyNames, ConditionElement arg)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ConditionElement
TOCount(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          creates a counting operation for a transaction.
TORead(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          creates a transaction operation, that reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by the given condition.
TORead(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, boolean readRelated)
          creates a transaction operation, that reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by the given condition.
TORead(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, Collection<String> propertyNames)
          creates a transaction operation, that partially reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by the given condition.
TORead(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, int maxRows, boolean readRelated)
          creates a transaction operation, that reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by the given condition.
TORead(List<E> result, Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          creates a transaction operation, that reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by the given condition.
TORead(List<E> result, Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, Collection<String> propertyNames, int maxRows, boolean readUniq)
          creates a transaction operation, that partially reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by the given condition.
TORead(List<E> result, Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args, int maxRows, boolean readRelated)
          creates a transaction operation, that reads all persistent instances of the given entityType, filtered by the given condition.
TORemove(Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
          creates a transaction operation, that removes all persistent instances, that match given condition.
TOSetProperty(E valueHolder, Collection<String> propertyNames, List<ConditionElement> args)
          creates a transaction operation, that changes the given property names of all instances matching the given condition to the appropriate values from valueHolder.
TOSetProperty(E valueHolder, String[] propertyNames, List<ConditionElement> args)

Uses of ConditionElement in

Methods in that return types with arguments of type ConditionElement
 List<ConditionElement> AbstractConditionTransactionalOperation.getConditionArgs()

Methods in with parameters of type ConditionElement
 void AbstractConditionTransactionalOperation.addCondition(ConditionElement ce)

Method parameters in with type arguments of type ConditionElement
 void AbstractConditionTransactionalOperation.setConditionArgs(List<ConditionElement> conditionArgs)

Constructor parameters in with type arguments of type ConditionElement
AbstractConditionTransactionalOperation(TransactionalOperation.DataDirection dir, Class<E> entityType, List<ConditionElement> args)
AbstractConditionTransactionalOperation(TransactionalOperation.DataDirection dir, List<ConditionElement> args)

Uses of ConditionElement in de.schwarzrot.ui.service

Method parameters in de.schwarzrot.ui.service with type arguments of type ConditionElement
 List<E> SelectionPopupProvider.showSelectionPopup(Window parent, String resID, int selectionMode, List<ConditionElement> initialFilter, ProgressPublisher pp, List<E> initialSelection)
          creates a Dialog with a JTable showing a list of Entitys.


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