Class ServiceDefinition

  extended by com.jgoodies.binding.beans.Model
      extended by
          extended by
All Implemented Interfaces:
com.jgoodies.binding.beans.Observable, Entity, Serializable, Comparable<Entity>

public class ServiceDefinition
extends AbstractEntity

bean used to store the definition of a java system service. Java system services are applications that could be started by ServiceManager. Each system service is bound to the hostname of the machine, it is installed to.

Life cycle of a service is defined by Status. A java system service can be enriched by a command, executed before the service will be started and a command, that gets executed after the service has been stopped. Primary intention of the wrapper commands was to handle the start of a fileserver via wakeOnLan.

The life cycle of a service:

Start requested
this is the trigger set by the command center
the ServiceManager has started to start the service. If the service is enriched by wrapper commands, the ScriptPreStart will be executed. The time of execution is stored, so the ServiceManager is able to wait waitPreStart time before trying to start the service itself. If a startTrigger is defined, the ServiceManager checks the existance of the trigger file. The serivce will not get startet, until the trigger file exists.
the ServiceManager has started the real java system service.
the ServiceManager has verified the running service, so it is really up and running
Stop requested
the trigger from command center to stop a service
the ServiceManager hast started to stop the service
the ServiceManager has verified, that the service is stopped. If the service is enriched by wrapper commands, the ServiceManager waits waitPostEnd time, before the ScriptPostEnd will be executed. If a startTrigger is defined, the ScriptPostEnd should ensure, that the trigger file does not exists any more.

Reinhard Mantey
See Also:
Serialized Form

Nested Class Summary
static class ServiceDefinition.Status
Field Summary
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 String getComment()
          returns the comment of this service definition
 List<SortInfo> getDefaultOrder()
          returns a list of SortInfo, that build the order for default list-queries.
 Date getDtStarted()
          returns the timestamp when the service has been started
 Date getDtStopped()
          returns the timestamp when the service has been stopped
 String getHostName()
          returns the hostname of the machine, the service has been installed to
 File getLogConfig()
          returns the path of a java properties file, used to configure java logging
 Map<String,String> getMappings()
          returns a map with mappings of logical property names to physical property names (column names in database terms).
 String getName()
          returns the name of the defined service
 String getPersistenceName()
          returns the name of the entity for persistance.
 int getPid()
          returns the process id of the running service. 0 signals a stopped service
 File getScriptPostEnd()
 File getScriptPreStart()
 String getServiceClassname()
          returns the classname of the service
 File getServicePath()
          returns the path of the service archive.
 int getSleepTime()
          returns the time to sleep between consecutive jobs.
 String getStartTrigger()
          returns the path of a file, that must exist, to enable the ServiceManager to start the service
 String getStartupArgs()
          returns all startup parameters joined together into one String.
 ServiceDefinition.Status getStatus()
          returns the status of a java system service
 List<String> getUniqColumnNames()
          returns a list of property names, which serve to detect a uniq instance without the usage of the primary key.
 String getUserName()
          returns the username, that is used to run the service.
 int getWaitPostEnd()
          returns the wait time in seconds to wait after service has ended, before starting the PostEnd-script
 int getWaitPreStart()
          returns the wait time in seconds to wait after executing the PreStart-script before starting the service
 boolean isAutoStart()
          returns true, if the service should be startet automatically.
 void setAutoStart(boolean autoStart)
          sets the autostart flag of a service.
 void setComment(String comment)
          sets the comment of a service definition
 void setDtStarted(Date dtStarted)
          sets the startup time of a service
 void setDtStopped(Date dtStopped)
          sets the timestamp when the service has been stopped
 void setHostName(String hostName)
          sets the hostname, where the service has been installed to.
 void setLogConfig(File logConfig)
          sets the path of the java properties file, used to configure java logging
 void setName(String name)
          sets the name of a service
 void setPid(int pid)
          sets the process id of a running service. 0 signals a service that is not running
 void setScriptPostEnd(File scriptPostEnd)
          sets the command, that should be executed after the service has been stopped
 void setScriptPreStart(File scriptPreStart)
          sets the command, that should be executed before the service will be started
 void setServiceClassname(String serviceClassname)
          sets the classname of the service
 void setServicePath(File servicePath)
          sets the path of the services archive.
 void setSleepTime(int sleepTime)
          sets the time (in seconds) the service should sleep in idle mode
 void setStartTrigger(String startTrigger)
          sets the path of a trigger file.
 void setStartupArgs(String startupArgs)
          sets the startup parameters for the service.
 void setStatus(ServiceDefinition.Status status)
          sets the status of a service
 void setUserName(String userName)
          sets the system user, that should be used to run the service
 void setWaitPostEnd(int waitPostEnd)
          sets the time to wait (in seconds) after the service has been stopped, before executing the post-end-script
 void setWaitPreStart(int waitPreStart)
          sets the time to wait (in seconds) after execution of pre-start-script, before starting the service
Methods inherited from class
adoptChildren, adoptChildren, adoptGroupedChildren, compareTo, equals, getCModified, getCode, getDtCreated, getDtModified, getId, getLogger, getSchemaName, getSkipList, getSystemClass, getUCreated, getUModified, getUserAttributes, getVariantColumnName, getVariantTypeMap, hashCode, isDirty, isUserType, isVirtual, setCModified, setDirty, setDtCreated, setDtModified, setId, setSchemaName, setUCreated, setUModified, toString, validate
Methods inherited from class com.jgoodies.binding.beans.Model
addPropertyChangeListener, addPropertyChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, addVetoableChangeListener, equals, fireIndexedPropertyChange, fireIndexedPropertyChange, fireIndexedPropertyChange, fireMultiplePropertiesChanged, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, firePropertyChange, fireVetoableChange, fireVetoableChange, fireVetoableChange, fireVetoableChange, fireVetoableChange, fireVetoableChange, fireVetoableChange, getPropertyChangeListeners, getPropertyChangeListeners, getVetoableChangeListeners, getVetoableChangeListeners, removePropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener, removeVetoableChangeListener
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface com.jgoodies.binding.beans.Observable
addPropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener

Field Detail


public static final int REQUEST_SHUTDOWN
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final int REQUEST_STARTUP
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ServiceDefinition()
Method Detail


public final String getComment()
returns the comment of this service definition

- comment of a service


public List<SortInfo> getDefaultOrder()
Description copied from interface: Entity
returns a list of SortInfo, that build the order for default list-queries.

Specified by:
getDefaultOrder in interface Entity
getDefaultOrder in class AbstractEntity
a list of property names


public final Date getDtStarted()
returns the timestamp when the service has been started

- time of system start


public final Date getDtStopped()
returns the timestamp when the service has been stopped

the dtStopped


public final String getHostName()
returns the hostname of the machine, the service has been installed to

the hostName


public final File getLogConfig()
returns the path of a java properties file, used to configure java logging

- path of log configuration


public Map<String,String> getMappings()
Description copied from interface: Entity
returns a map with mappings of logical property names to physical property names (column names in database terms).

Every implementation should respect the parents mappings. The following sample shows different mapping types:

 public Map<String, String> getMappings() {
     Map<String, String> mappings = super.getMappings();
     mappings.put("title", "name");
     mappings.put("streams", Stream.class.getName());
     mappings.put("pageDefinitions", "pageType|" + ThemeElement.class.getName());
     return mappings;
The mappings explained:
"title" -> "name"
the logical "title"-attribute is stored to persistence with a physical name "name"
"streams" -> Stream.class.getName()
the "streams" property holds related children. Unknown children are hold in a List, known (named) children are hold in a Map. The mapped value is used as classname to create child instances.
"pageDefinitions" -> "pageType|" + ThemeElement.class.getName()
pageDefinitions is a property of type Map, that holds grouped children. Known children are hold by a Map, unknown children by a List, so "pageDefinitions" may contain elements of type Map, or List. pageType, a property of ThemeElement, is used to group the children. The word before the '|' is the property name used as key value for grouping and the type after '|' is used to create instances.

Specified by:
getMappings in interface Entity
getMappings in class AbstractEntity
a Map with property names as keys and column names as values.


public final String getName()
returns the name of the defined service

- the name of the service


public final String getPersistenceName()
Description copied from interface: Entity
returns the name of the entity for persistance. Normally it would be the same result as getClass().getSimpleName(), but some storage may have size limitations, or don't support case sensitive names, so this call is to deal with that kind of limitations.

Specified by:
getPersistenceName in interface Entity
getPersistenceName in class AbstractEntity
the entity-name used for persistence


public final int getPid()
returns the process id of the running service. 0 signals a stopped service

- the process id of a running service


public final File getScriptPostEnd()
the scriptname to execute after service has terminated


public final File getScriptPreStart()
the scriptname to execute before starting the service


public final String getServiceClassname()
returns the classname of the service

the classname of the service


public final File getServicePath()
returns the path of the service archive. This will be the absolute path of a jar-file

- the path of the service jarfile


public final int getSleepTime()
returns the time to sleep between consecutive jobs. Typically a service performs jobs. If there is no job to perform, the service signals 'idle'. A service in 'idle' state is going to sleep that time, until it rechecks for new jobs.

- the time to sleep in seconds


public final String getStartTrigger()
returns the path of a file, that must exist, to enable the ServiceManager to start the service

- the path of a file


public final String getStartupArgs()
returns all startup parameters joined together into one String.

- the startup parameters


public final ServiceDefinition.Status getStatus()
returns the status of a java system service

- a status of a java system service


public List<String> getUniqColumnNames()
Description copied from interface: Entity
returns a list of property names, which serve to detect a uniq instance without the usage of the primary key. In database context this list is used to decide, whether a save operation needs an update or an insert.

Specified by:
getUniqColumnNames in interface Entity
getUniqColumnNames in class AbstractEntity
a list of property names


public final String getUserName()
returns the username, that is used to run the service. Each service process is changed to a user environment. The username must be an existing system user from the host, that runs the services. The ServiceManager is intended to run in superuser mode, to be able to change the user of the java services.

the user of this service


public final int getWaitPostEnd()
returns the wait time in seconds to wait after service has ended, before starting the PostEnd-script

the wait time in seconds


public final int getWaitPreStart()
returns the wait time in seconds to wait after executing the PreStart-script before starting the service

- the wait time in seconds


public final boolean isAutoStart()
returns true, if the service should be startet automatically. The autostart is processed as soon as the service has the Status stopped.

the autoStart


public final void setAutoStart(boolean autoStart)
sets the autostart flag of a service. A service marked as 'autostart' will be started without requests from command center. The autostart trigger is processed when the service is in status stopped.

autoStart - - true if the service should be started automatically, false for services that should be started an requests from command center only


public final void setComment(String comment)
sets the comment of a service definition

comment - - the comment of this definition


public final void setDtStarted(Date dtStarted)
sets the startup time of a service

dtStarted - - the timestamp when the service has been started


public final void setDtStopped(Date dtStopped)
sets the timestamp when the service has been stopped

dtStopped - - the timestamp when the service has been stopped


public final void setHostName(String hostName)
sets the hostname, where the service has been installed to.

hostName - - the name of the machine that hosts the service


public final void setLogConfig(File logConfig)
sets the path of the java properties file, used to configure java logging

logConfig - - path of the log configuration


public final void setName(String name)
sets the name of a service

name - - the name of the service


public final void setPid(int pid)
sets the process id of a running service. 0 signals a service that is not running

pid - - the process id of the service


public final void setScriptPostEnd(File scriptPostEnd)
sets the command, that should be executed after the service has been stopped

scriptPostEnd - - the path to a system command


public final void setScriptPreStart(File scriptPreStart)
sets the command, that should be executed before the service will be started

scriptPreStart - - the path of a system command


public final void setServiceClassname(String serviceClassname)
sets the classname of the service

serviceClassname - - the classname of the service


public final void setServicePath(File servicePath)
sets the path of the services archive. That path is the absolute path of a jar file.

servicePath - - path of the services jar


public final void setSleepTime(int sleepTime)
sets the time (in seconds) the service should sleep in idle mode

sleepTime - - time to sleep


public final void setStartTrigger(String startTrigger)
sets the path of a trigger file. The existance of the trigger file is checked by the ServiceManager before starting the service

startTrigger - - the path of a file that must exists before the service will be started


public final void setStartupArgs(String startupArgs)
sets the startup parameters for the service. All parameters are joined together to form a single string.

startupArgs - - the arguments of a service


public final void setStatus(ServiceDefinition.Status status)
sets the status of a service

status - - the status of the service


public final void setUserName(String userName)
sets the system user, that should be used to run the service

userName - - a name of a system user


public final void setWaitPostEnd(int waitPostEnd)
sets the time to wait (in seconds) after the service has been stopped, before executing the post-end-script

waitPostEnd - - the time to wait


public final void setWaitPreStart(int waitPreStart)
sets the time to wait (in seconds) after execution of pre-start-script, before starting the service

waitPreStart - - the time to wait


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Copyright 2005-2012 Reinhard Mantey - some rights reserved.