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SR-JRC | a java richclient framework |
![]() | Good and evilThis page will become a unrelated bunch of tips, what and how to DO with SRJRCFrames and what NOT to do. ... one "Don't" is so important, that I'd like to start with it: The most important reason for use of SRJRCFrames, among others, is the flexibility and extensibility. But it does not fit with these goals at all, if factories with "public static" methods convert a groovy application into a big and unmanageable moloch. The ApplicationContext takes care about those factories and the best of all, they can be changed at runtime. So each factory is an applicationservice wich can be accessed by the public services interface (one of the sparse exceptions to this rule), the That also works great for applications, that get loaded dynamically and which offer an application service and other applications like to use that service. See below a sample from the RecordingManager of VdrAssistant: SelectionPopupFactory spf = (SelectionPopupFactory) ApplicationServiceProvider.getService( SelectionPopupFactory.class); spf.registerSelectionPopupProvider(BonusItem.class, new RecSelectionPopupService());
The Entities are javabeans, that get stored in a SQL-database. Creating a GUI application it is very commen, that entities are presented with an editor to the user, to change some properties of the Entity. This is where JGoodies comes into play, so I decided to use the JGoody public class Person extends AbstractEntity { public static final String FLD_NAME = "name"; private String name; public String getName() { return name; } public void setName(String name) { this.name = name; } } The above is the well known pattern of a java bean - each property has a read- and write method. The superclass public void setName(String name) { String ov = this.name this.name = name; if (ov != null) { if (name == null || ov.compareTo(name) != 0) setDirty(true); } else if (ov != name) setDirty(true); PropertyChangeEvent pce = new PropertyChangeEvent(this, "name", ov, name); firePropertyChangeEvent(pce); } Only the tossing of an event enables the "black magic" of JGoodies bindings and so is fundamental for SRJRCFrames too. In the codesnippet I anticipated a pattern from SRJRCFrames. The framework heavily uses caching, so an entity will only be stored, if it has been changed. That's what the propery dirty is for. Internal propertiesIMPORTANT: the internal properties should be considered readonly!
The database access is fully transparent to the application, so the application code does not reflect, whether a database is envolved or not. The application only uses operations like Read or Save. The rest is internal of the framework. Most important interface to persistence is the class if (taFactory == null) taFactory = (TransactionFactory) ApplicationServiceProvider.getService( TransactionFactory.class); Transaction ta = taFactory.createTransaction(); A A Person could be saved like this: Person instance = new Person(); Transaction ta = taFactory.createTransaction(); instance.setName("Brown"); ta.add(new TOSave<Person>(instance)); ta.execute(); The reading of Person instances is as easy ... Transaction ta = taFactory.createTransaction(); TORead<Person> tor = new TORead<Person>(Person.class); ta.add(tor); ta.setRollbackOnly(); ta.execute(); List<Person> persons = tor.getResult(); To find a Person with known name, ... Transaction ta = taFactory.createTransaction(); ConditionElement ceName = new EqualConditionElement(Person.FLD_NAME, "Brown"); TORead<Person> tor = new TORead<Person>(Person.class, ceName); ta.add(tor); ta.setRollbackOnly(); ta.execute(); List<Person> persons = tor.getResult(); See the apidocs for further variants of operations. SRJRCFrames supports partially read entities as well as updating a single property. |