

helper classes for bean access and manipulation.


Interface Summary
PropertyCondition<B> used to setup conditions based on beans properties with late value fetching.

Class Summary
AbstractPropertyCondition<B> baseclass for conditions based on bean properties with late value fetching.
AndPropertyCondition<B> a condition implementation that determines its result by other PropertyConditions.
IsFalsePropertyCondition<B> checks whether the value of the given property can be evaluated to false.
IsTruePropertyCondition<B> checks whether the value of the given property can be evaluated to true.
OrPropertyCondition<B> a condition implementation that determines its result by other PropertyConditions.

Package Description

helper classes for bean access and manipulation. At the moment only condition classes that allow to define a rule, which will be executed later and multiple times and the value of the involved bean may change between each rule execution.

These condition classes are used by the validation framework to finetune the validation rules at runtime.


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Copyright 2005-2012 Reinhard Mantey - some rights reserved.